Friday, October 3, 2014

Online Activists Compare Israel to Isis

The tongue-in-cheek campaign has seen Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the "caliph of #JSIL" and cases of 2,000 American "outside warriors" rushing to contender for JSIL. The response in the Israeli media has been one of judgment with calling JSIL "an alternate vulgar Israel relationship" and contrasted JSIL with other "over the top and offending parallels, for example, South Africa and Nazi Germany.  Other media, for example, New York Magazine, called the fight "terrible" and said the individuals who made the crusade had "jumps of rationale" while Financial Times Jerusalem reporter Matthew Kalman tweeted: "Adoring the #jsil hashtag. Like an advanced dullard's top. Low-life purveyors of horrendous contempt talk have outed themselves."

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