Wednesday, September 2, 2015


On June 25th 2010 was the 60th commemoration of the begin of a furnished clash that debilitated to convey the whole world to an atomic war. This contention has damaged a whole country so significantly that it is still the reason for an intense gap.

This narrative was conveyed to you by the same individuals that are behind the unprecedented 'In-Color' type of narrative movies, Adrian Wood and Stewart Binns. This film is introduced utilizing the trademark components of Wood and Binns creation, for example, capable symbolism as far as shading, profoundly passionate musical foundation and a sensationalized soundscape.

The first color material, quite a bit of it was just as of late presented to the light of day, was exchanged straightforwardly from the source film to HD. The materials were initially made with the 35mm camera and incorporate, in addition to other things, the entrance toward the North Korean Archives in Pyongyang which is generally exceedingly blocked off.

This narrative gives the viewers a novel understanding into the contention of the East and the West, socialism against the liberal majority rules system and Korean battling one another in an one of the bloodiest common wars ever to happen.


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