Saturday, October 4, 2014

The housefly

Mmm, you’ve just come indoors and there’s a tasty-looking cupcake sitting on the kitchen table. Should you eat it? Why not?! Well, if it’s been sitting there uncovered in warm weather, a really
disgusting housefly could have buzzed by and had a taste before you came along. And here’s what THAT involves.…

Fly feast

Houseflies have sponge-like mouths that can only soak up liquid food. So, after landing on your cake, a housefly spits and vomits onto it, to make the food mushy and break it down into
liquid. When it’s nice and runny, the fly sucks up as much as it can, leaving some spit and vomit behind. While feeding, flies also poo constantly, so they leave that behind, too!


As they buzz around, flies can pick up all kinds of germs and parasites, such as deadly foodpoisoning bacteria on raw meat, or botfly eggs (see page 13). They then leave these everywhere they land, so they can spread lots of nasty diseases.

photo credit to

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