Saturday, October 4, 2014

The botfly


If you think blowfly and housefly maggots are disgusting, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. Botfly maggots don’t live in old, rotting meat. They don’t live in rubbish, and they don’t live in poo. They live inside, and feed on, other living animals – including horses, cows … and humans. Totally gross! eggs on your sKin Botflies want to get their eggs onto the skin of their host (the animal they invade). They sometimes lay them directly on another animal’s skin. But human botflies lay their eggs on an insect, such as a housefly or mosquito, which then leaves them on human skin. BurroWing in When a botfly egg hatches, the maggot immediately burrows under the skin and hangs on with tiny hook-like parts. It feeds on blood, growing fatter and fatter. At last, it lets go and drops out of its host’s skin onto the ground, ready to turn into an adult fly.

photo credit to

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