Saturday, October 4, 2014

The tarantula hawk wasP

hawk wasP

Worse than any tarantula is the tarantula hawk wasp. The female hunts tarantulas, paralyzing them with a potent sting. But she doesn’t eat them. She drags the still-living spider into a burrow and lays her egg on it so that her baby has a fresh food supply.

eaten aliVe

When the larva, or baby wasp, hatches from the egg, it starts sucking bodily fluids from the tarantula’s paralyzed body. Then, as it grows bigger and stronger, it burrows into the tarantula’s body, eating it alive. It saves the organs for last, to keep the spider alive and fresh for as long as possible! Different Dinner Adult tarantula hawk wasps don’t eat meat. They feed on nectar and rotting fruits that contain alcohol, making them dizzy and unable to fly!

photo credit to

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