Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Slugs and snails

Uuurrrrggghh! The feeling of a cold, damp, slimy slug on your
skin is repellent. Slugs and snails feel this way because of
the sticky, slippery slime that oozes out of them wherever they go. We also find their soft, squishy bodies horrible when we accidentally step on and squash one.

Slugs and snails secrete most of their slime from the underside of
their tough, crawling “foot”. It lets them slide along smoothly and
helps them to climb up walls and plants on which they feed. They
also have slime all over their bodies, which is good for slipping
out of the grip of hungry birds.

Snails and slugs can sniff each other’s slime to find out which
species they each come from. This helps them find a mate of
the same species as themselves. You can see the slimy undersides
of these two snails as they coil around a plant stem.
Both snails and slugs have eyes on the ends of two feelers, or “tentacles”.

Snails are a well-known favourite food in France, where they are
baked with garlic butter. They are also a popular food in parts of
Africa, where the giant African land snail can grow up to 20 cm
(8 in) long.

photo credit to

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